Philosophy Statement


philosophy statement

Therapeutic interventions should be rooted in a philosophy that prioritizes equity, feminism, social justice, and intersectionality.

Working from an anti-oppressive stance means acknowledging the structural and systemic inequalities of power which impact every facet of an individual’s life.

My values are anti-oppressive, pro-queer, pro-trans, pro-sex worker, pro-Black, pro-Indigenous, and anti-colonial.

my Commitment

As a new therapist working within a system which prioritizes the dominant culture and perpetuates structures of power which exploit marginalized communities, I commit to working towards a more equitable society by engaging in community-based work, offering a sliding-scale and offering pro-bono work when possible.

I recognize that though I am a first generation, racialized immigrant from a country that has endured the violence of colonialism, I will still make mistakes which require accountability, reparation and growth. I commit to trying my very best to do no harm and to working endlessly towards repair when it does occur.